To reduce the congestion and pollution in urban cities, the political authorities encourage the modal shift from private cars in favor of sustainable trip behaviors such as intermodality (through combinations of private cars and public transport). Coercive decisions such as urban tolls are also an in...
Airwork Group (Airwork NZ Limited) (Auckland) Boeing 737-3B7 (SF) ZK-TLC (msn 23705) operated under theToll Groupbrand was involved in an incident on the runway today (January 26) at Honiara International Airport (formerly Henderson Field of World War II) in the Solomon Islands. The aircr...
To avoid any potential influence of carbohydrate antigens attached to the MPLA disaccharide reducing end on the binding between MPLA and TLR4/MD-2 heterodimer, the Guo group also synthetized a MPLA derivative with modified 6'-O-position 56 (Scheme 12) and examined its activity as a vaccine ...