2. Due to the lack of vehicle weight in the data provided by the Runyang bridge toll station, the average vehicle weights in this paper are based on the weight data in the references[22,25] of traffic flow statistics in China. The vehicle type in the traffic flow data is defined based...
The productivity of deverbal categories and suffixal models within shared-root deverbal paradigms as reflected in the Oxford English Dictionary tollage'a toll' (Statutes of the Realm in English 1325) is another hybrid. On some French elements in early middle English word derivation ...
Longitudinal trials that focus on effect or uptake of one type of game, or cross-sectional surveys about the previous experience with game play are sophisticated in scientific design, but do not ask: “which cultural gaps are there to bridge before embarking on gamified digital healthcare?” ...
tollbridge tolldish toller Tolletane tolley toll-free tollgate tollgatherer tollhouse tollhouse cookie tolling tollkeeper Toll-like receptor tollman tollon tollway tolly Tollywood Tolmen tolmetin sodium Tolmiea Tolmiea menziesii tolnaftate Tolpuddle Martyrs ...
bridge and pull over those who haven't paid tolls. Do we really want to be spied on to this extent, and to create an entire new arm of government - and thus costs and payroll and pensions - to do this? Isn't the gas tax,
To reduce the congestion and pollution in urban cities, the political authorities encourage the modal shift from private cars in favor of sustainable trip
The missing N-terminal region (residue 20–25) and disulfide bridge (C25-C36) were modeled based on the crystal structure of mouse CD14 (PDB: 1WWL)3 using Modeller version 9.214. Ten models were constructed, from which three were chosen based on having the lowest discreet optimized protein ...
The bridge has been toll-free since that time. Hapishane o günden bu yana boş olarak çürümeye terk edilmiştir. WikiMatrix A toll-free phone number had to be called to set up the account. Hesabı oluşturmak için ücretsiz bir telefon numarası çağrılmak zorun...
We forgot to pay immediately, as we had a very long journey the other side of the bridge but did pay when we remembered a week later. Now being told that the £2.50 is being held as a credit. I do not live near the bridge, do not need a credit. If the system is investigated,...
(ab′)2 fragment, a bivalent fragment comprising two Fab fragments linked by a disulfide bridge at the hinge region; (iii) a Fab′ fragment, which is essentially an Fab with part of the hinge region (see, for example, Abbas et al., Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 6th Ed., Saunders ...