It is therefore not possible to make use of them like we would with ‘real-world’ languages; but we may still wish to learn all that we possibly can about Tolkien’s fascinating linguistic creations. What is the meaning and correct pronunciation for the name Smaug? ‘The dragon bears as ...
No two of them are the same, or even remotely like Tolkien’s map – except for the one that is a sort of ode to him ;) Enjoy 0 Jaf 7 years ago Rivers and Waters of middle earth still fall under the influence of Ulmo, and his maiar, in to the third age and probably in ...
the egoist and artist at once desires to say how the stuff has grown, what it is like, and what (he thinks) he means or is trying to represent by it all. I
also an assassination. I don’t remember any details as a five-year-old boy, except a general sense of sadness in the house. Strawberry fields forever and the like. It was a Monday.
I began an abortive book of time-travel of which the end was to be the presence of my hero in the drowning of Atlantis. This was to be calledNúmenor, the Land in the West. The thread was to be the occurrence time and again in human families (like Durin among the Dwarves) of a ...
‘create a world in which some sort of faith seems to be everywhere without a visible source, like light from an invisible lamp’. I can only answer: ‘Of his own sanity no man can securely judge. If sanctity inhabits his work or as a pervading light illumines it then it does not ...