non-apparent interrelations between tolerances and resulting costs are modelled with the aid of an activity-based cost model, whereas the individual costs elements are mapped as function of the values for the machine-specific process parameters for AM, e.g., layer height or printing speed, which...
For example, large artefacts may evaluate the part position influence on printing accuracy within the building volume. Then, simple features are chosen according to the studied parameters. For example flatness criterion would require the design of cubes, walls or slots. Reviews [13,14,18] ...
Tolerancing in 3D printing differs from traditional manufacturing tools because 3D printing is a single automated process. Tighter tolerances may require more effort in the design stage, but can yield significant time and costs savings in prototyping and production. Optimizing Design for Functional 3D P...
The additive manufacture of parts using extrusion-based techniques such as 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) offers an alternative to traditional moulding processes. The precision to which the desired shape can be produced, however, is limited by the extrusion process and layer thickness, exacerbated by ...
The development of additive manufacturing in the 1980s led to a revolution in various metalcasting processes as early as the 1990s, including the use of polymer 3D printing for the manufacture of sand casting patterns. While additive manufacturing has entered many metalcasting processes, including ...
The development of additive manufacturing in the 1980s led to a revolution in various metalcasting processes as early as the 1990s, including the use of polymer 3D printing for the manufacture of sand casting patterns. While additive manufacturing has entered many metalcasting processes, including ...