Toledo LASIK is the premier laser eye surgery center in Toledo, OH. Our surgeons offer LASIK and other treatments to give you the best vision.
Addiction is a chronic and life-altering condition, and recovery requires more than just medical treatment. In addition to traditional treatments such as medications, cognitive behavioral therapy, and 12-step programs, life coaching can play an important role in addiction recovery. Let’s take a cl...
1.TelephoneServicesshallnotifytheseniorUniversityPoliceofficer,theDirectorofSafety&Health,Hospital AdministratorortheAdministrativeCoordinator,theChiefOperatingOfficeroftheHospitalandthe Administratoroncall,theMedicalDirector,andtheChiefofStaff.Thesepeopleshallbekeptup-to-dateon theprogressinrestoringservicetoallphone...