We are a fan community and encyclopedia dedicated to the Japanese manga series Tokyo卍Revengers (東京卍リベンジャーズ, Tōkyō Manji Ribenjāzu), written and illustrated by Ken Wakui as well as its anime adaptation produced by Liden Films. We have over 1,042 articles and 3,340 files. You...
Tokyo Revengers is an action-packed series with a great cast of characters. Here's every character's age, height, and birthday, and some trivia.
16 Tokyo Revengers, Vol. 4 17 Tokyo Revengers, Vol. 2 18 Tokyo Ghoul, Vol. 13 19 Tokyo Revengers, vol. 3 20 Tokyo Revengers, vol. 5 21 Tokyo Ghoul, Vol. 3 22 Tokyo Revengers, vol. 6 23 Tokyo Revengers, vol. 7 24 Tokyo Revengers, vol. 8 25 Tokyo Revengers, vol....
Qposket Tokyo Revengers Action Figure Manjiro Sano Hanagaki Draken Chifuyu Matsuno Keisuke Baji Figurine Manga Doll Toys Color: D Product sellpoints Educational toys: If you are looking for a toy for kids, this is the perfect way to play with your friends and family. Complete set: This figurin...
From the hugely popular TV animeTokyo Revengers, Takemichi Hanagaki, the protagonist who goes from being a bottom-of-the-barrel part-timer to a middle school student when he travels back in time 12 years, has finally entered the Amazing Yamaguchi lineup! He is wearing the tokkofuku he...
My first 'gekiga。' Explained in the Q&A with Adrian Tomine at the end of the novel, a gekiga is a darker, more realistic style of cartoons depicting real life。 'Abandon the old。。。' is a realistic and depressing look at postwar 1960s Tokyo when economics were thriving and the class...