MBS aired the 24-episode season from April 11 to September 19, 2021. On May 29, 2021, the English dub premiered. After receiving positive reviews from both critics and viewers, the show was renewed for a second season which is scheduled to premiere next year. Tokyo Revengers Season 2 was...
Watch Tokyo Revengers (Italian Dub) Revenge, on Crunchyroll. After saving Draken's life, Takemichi returns to the future to find that Akkun made his dreams to become a hairstylist come true and the accident caused by Toman that killed Hina never happened
Watch Tokyo Revengers (Italian Dub) Return, on Crunchyroll. Takemichi gets to enjoy some happy times with Hinata back during their middle school days but then he is suddenly sent back to the present. After seeing how Mikey was, he tells Naoto that he can
Watch Tokyo Revengers (Spanish Dub) Regret, on Crunchyroll. Because Pah-chin's friend was brutally attacked by Moebius, the Tokyo Manji Gang decides they're going to fight Moebius. According to Naoto, Draken doesn't die because of the conflict with Moebi
Watch Tokyo Revengers (French Dub) Resist, on Crunchyroll. Takemichi returns to the present after shaking hands with Naoto and is reunited with Naoto who is now a police officer. Naoto asks Takemichi to go back in time and prevent the two leaders of the
Watch Tokyo Revengers (Castilian Dub) Break up, on Crunchyroll. The Tokyo Manji Gang welcomed a new captain for their Third Division and it happened to be the former member of Moebius, Kisaki. Some members raise their doubts, but Mikey explains that they
Watch Tokyo Revengers (Castilian Dub) Respect, on Crunchyroll. Takemichi manages to defeat Kiyomasa in their one-on-one by sheer tenacity and with the help of Akkun and the others, they're able to protect Draken until they can get him to the ambulance. H
mega fan trial, your account will automatically renew at $11.99 per month. compare our premium plans tokyo revengers 4.7 (92.7k) e13 - odds and ends sub | dub released on jan 9, 2023 after hinata's funeral, takemichi tells a grieving naoto what he plans to do next. why did the same...
Watch Tokyo Revengers (Castilian Dub) Resist, on Crunchyroll. Takemichi returns to the present after shaking hands with Naoto and is reunited with Naoto who is now a police officer. Naoto asks Takemichi to go back in time and prevent the two leaders of t
Watch Tokyo Revengers (Castilian Dub) Reborn, on Crunchyroll. Hanagaki Takemichi is a worthless part-time worker who's down in the dumps. One day, he learns that his girlfriend from junior high school, Tachibana Hinata, was killed from being a victim of