Tokyo Revengers Character Name Ran Haitani The maximum purchase quantity for this item is 3 per account/shipping address. Specifications AuroraSize: Sitting Size: Approx. H200mm x W130mm, Approx. LH250mm Material: Nylex, Boa Copyright
《東京卍複仇者》是和久井健創作的懸疑題材漫畫,融入青春、熱血等主題元素。2020年5月,獲得第44屆講談社漫畫賞少年部門獎,2021年以《東京複仇者》的片名來播放電視動畫、上映真人電影以及演出舞台劇。 故事講述了平凡的青年花垣武道等車時跌落鐵軌,意外回到12年前的國中時期,並企圖用穿越時空的能力拯救親友。你喜歡...
Tokyo Revengers second season is finally here and now is a great time to start the show if you haven’t already. Tokyo Revengers is a pseudo-isekaianimethat focuses on the time travelling adventures of its main character, who can switch between his current adult body and also travel back to...
Tokyo Revengers is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ken Wakui. It is filled with youthfulness and passion. The manga won the 44th Kodansha Manga Award for the shōnen category in May 2020. The television anime, live-action film, and stage play were all out in 2021. ...
Grow your Tokyo Revengers collection with these all-new non-scale statues from Banpresto! This figure stands 6 2/7" tall. More information to be revealed! From Banpresto. Grow your Tokyo Revengers collection with these all-new non-scale statues from Banpresto! This figure stands 6 2/7" tall...
Takemichi Hanagaki is 26 years old when he time travels to his 14-year-old self for the first time in 2005. Here’s every main character’s age, birthday, and height in Tokyo Revengers!
Tokyo Revengers is an action-packed series with a great cast of characters. Here's every character's age, height, and birthday, and some trivia.
Tokyo Revengers has been full of unexpected twists as it finally nears its long-awaited and much-anticipated conclusion.
《东京卍复仇者》是和久井健创作的悬疑题材漫画,融入青春、热血等主题元素。2020年5月,获得第44届讲谈社漫画赏少年部门奖,2021年以《东京复仇者》的片名来播放电视动画、上映真人电影以及演出舞台剧。 故事讲述了平凡的青年花垣武道等车时跌落铁轨,意外回到12年前的中学时期,并企图用穿越时空的能力拯救亲友。你喜欢...