Tokyo Mew Mew, the popular manga series written by Reiko Yoshida and illustrated by Mia Ikumi, is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a brand-new anime series launching in 2022 -Tokyo Mew Mew New. A short teaser trailer (included below) has been released confirming the cast for the upcoming...
Tokyo Mew Mew New: With Yuki Tenma, Mirai Hinata, Ryoko Juni, Kaori Ishihara. Follows Ichigo Momomiya, a girl who transforms into Mew Ichigo with the power of the Iriomote leopard cat to save Earth from parasitic Chimera Anima aliens.
Tokyo Mew Mew New: With Yuki Tenma, Mirai Hinata, Ryoko Juni, Kaori Ishihara. Follows Ichigo Momomiya, a girl who transforms into Mew Ichigo with the power of the Iriomote leopard cat to save Earth from parasitic Chimera Anima aliens.