是傻笑还是痛哭?谢谢你依旧那么倔强顽强,让今天的我知道活着是多么快乐美好的事。如果我有穿越时空的能力的话,我会想来给你个大大的拥抱,告诉你,我喜欢你。 那,其实,幸福地活着,于己足矣。
东爱里OST大碟一共14首音乐,其中13首为钢琴曲,其中没有《tokyo love story》啊。楼上说的那首钢琴曲我也听了,但是东爱里并没有这曲子。很谢谢楼上提供的原唱!
2020-11-16 11:27:4400:55878 所属专辑:东京仙履奇缘 Tokyo Cinderella Story 原声 OST 音频列表 1 01 Touch The Rain 878 2020-11 2 02 For A Sentimental Reason - Suite 560 2020-11 3 03 Evening Rain 1469 2020-11 4 04 Never Ask Too Little ...
5152 东京仙履奇缘 Tokyo Cinderella Story 原声 OST by:lllizzz 606 FIVE OF A KIND - LIVE IN TOKYO 2020-LOVEBITES by:摇滚我的态度 531 Knockin' At Heaven's Gate - Live In Tokyo 2023-LOVEBITES by:摇滚我的态度 32 MINMI Natural Show Case 2006 In Zepp Tokyo~special edition~ (Live)-MIN...
去水印去水印 截取截取 提取音频提取音频 图片图片 AI绘图AI绘图 AI抠图AI抠图 去水印去水印 10 死亡(10 Dying) 《大时代》OST原声音乐/大时代OST/遮蔽的天空 183首 15 爱情蒙太奇(15 Love Montage) 《大时代》OST原声音乐/大时代OST/潮浪王子 183首...
The main character's mindset really helps drive the story forward and I will definitely be continuing this series to see what happens next。 I really like this book and the idea of the main character almost having two completely different worlds in one body。 I liked the concept of what a...
Ohkawa-sensei: “Tokyo Babylonis a pretty important work for me and for many people. Indeed it was a story written in compliance of what was going on at that time.” Ohkawa-sensei: “Like we were saying when talking with Matsuoka-san, I’m holding the deal aboutTokyo Babylon[new anime...
[INSIDE SEVENTEEN] DINO‘ICARUS(无人岛的Diva OST)’ 录音幕后花絮 06:30 [INSIDE SEVENTEEN] 净汉广告拍摄幕后花絮 06:46 [INSIDE SEVENTEEN] MTV Performance 幕后花絮 04:57 [INSIDE SEVENTEEN] HOSHI地球上的黑匣子拍摄花絮 07:05 [INSIDE SEVENTEEN] 'God of Music' MV Reaction 08:35 [INSIDE ...
(Buckethead & That One Guy) 06:04 Buckethead - The Whispering Metals 03:32 Buckethead - Two Story Hourglass - Pikes 305 28:11 BucketheadCosmic Oven - Pikes 309 28:28 Buckethead - Cyborgs Robots More - Pikes 302 29:11 Buckethead - Rainbow Tower - Pikes 304 27:29 Buckethead - The ...
别名: 东京爱情故事 / 东京ラブストーリー / Tokyo Love Story 表演者:日向敏文 语种:日语 唱片...