TOKYO---thecapitalofJapan Tokyotips 1.Diningout:CenturiesofCulinaryService Japan'shistoryofdiningoutissaidtohaveoriginatedintheEdoperiod(1603-1868)inAsakusa,wherevendorsservedchameshi(ricecookedintea).Historicrecordsshowthattherewereabout6,000diningestablishmentsinJapanduringtheprosperoustimesoftheearlynineteenth...
ZAIKI, MasumiMIKAMI, TakehikoTokyo Geographical SocietyJ GeogrZaiki, M. and Mikami, T.(2013): Climate Variations in Tokyo since the Edo Period. Journal of GeographyZaiki, Masumi and Takehiko Mikami, 2013: Climate Variations in Tokyo since the Edo Period, Journal of Geography, 122, 1010-1019...
The Edo period pretty much defines what most of us think about when we imagine “traditional” Japan. Beginning with the ascension of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1603 and ending with the 1868 Meiji Restoration, the Edo era was a 250-year period of isolation, prosperity and cultural flourishing—...
These cool conditions could be a significant reason for severe famines that occurred during the Edo period. Around the 1840s and 1850s near the end of the Edo period, it was comparatively warm which could correspond to the end of the Little Ice Age in Japan. Although there was a low-...
Tags:amazing japanese art,art in the edo period. toshidama gallery and ukiyo-e,art of japan,art of tokyo,edo period art and poverty,Eisan and stunning art,eisan and stunning ukiyo-e art,eisan and ukiyo-e,,,http://tokyotimesnow.word...
Cherry blossom season is one of the most awaited times of the year in Japan. This photo book, featuring some of the famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Tokyo, is an invitation for you to enjoy the splendor of the sakura with your own eyes.
Built in 1625 by the Tokugawa shogunate as a prayer temple, it later became a family temple of Tokugawa clan and six former shoguns are entombed here. In the Edo period, the temple covered an immense surface area of 1,188,000 square meters. ...
Best For:Capturing street scenes and evident pockets of the Edo period. Best Time to Visit:If you’re photographing the nearbySensō–jiTemple, it’s always best to visit either in the early hours of the morning (sunrise), or after dark to ensure there’s less crowds. ...
Shinshoji is a serene Buddhist temple known for its beautiful architecture and serene gardens, while Nishigahara Ichirizuka is a historical mound that dates back to the Edo period. Take a leisurely stroll around these sacred sites and soak in the peaceful atmosphere. Nature lovers will delight ...
Said to have been cultivated in the Edo Period (1603-1868), they are rare in Japan today. The name comes from the traditional color of female courtiers’ clothing which—you guessed it—was often green. Where:Hamarikyu Gardens When:Mid- to late April ...