不仅如此,通过TOK Essay,大家还可以将自己的思考应用到现实生活中。因为,验证问题和证实论点的最重要的因素之一就是论据/例子。在TOK Essay中,所有人都被要求使用到real-life situation/example (RLS) 来证实和反驳论文中的观点。 但是,...
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ISTTOK real-time control assisted by electric probesThe ISTTOK tokamak (Ip = 7 kA, BT = 0.5 T, R = 0.46 m, a = 0.085 m) was recently upgraded with a new multiple-input multiple-output control system, where the user can specify the combination of real-time diagnostics to produce the...
Real-timeThe ISTTOK tokamak was upgraded with a plasma control system based on the Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard. This control system was designed to improve the discharge stability and to extend the operational space to the alternate plasma current (AC) discharges...
ISTTOK real-time control assisted by electric probes The ISTTOK tokamak (Ip = 7 kA, BT = 0.5 T, R = 0.46 m, a = 0.085 m) was recently upgraded with a new multiple-input multiple-output control system, where the user can specify the combination of real-time diagnostics to produce the...
2024 new Q9 smart camera 360 face tracking stabilizer Tik Tok real-time streaming mobile desktop stand No reviews yet5 sold Guangzhou Fushen Technology Co., Ltd.1 yrCN Previous slideNext slide Previous slideNext slideKey attributes Industry-specific attributes dimension 6*7*18.5 use Mobile Phone...
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专辑:Casawa Ra Jaw (feat. Thereal Cinemoh, GossGAv, Roronwa, TheMaligno, Kazii & TheSP1DERR) [Explicit] 歌手:ChintokThereal CinemohGossGAvRoronwaTheMalignoKaziiTheSP1DERR 还没有歌词哦
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