Fixing asap and adding tests. This is becoming very complex 😓 I'm getting this legacy behaviour warning come up when simply loading a T5 tokenizer - it appears even before using the tokenizer. Is there an updated way to load the tokenizer? The warning appears when running the following li...
Source File: From chinese-support-redux with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes def __call__(self, text, **kargs): words = jieba.tokenize(text, mode="search") token = Token() for (w, start_pos, stop_pos) in words: if not accepted_chars.match(w) and len(w)...
i = i.strip()ifnoti:continueifiinwords:continueifiinpunct:continuewords.add(i) words_list.append(i)forwinwords:ifnotaccepted_chars.match(w):iflen(w) <=1:continuetoken.original = token.text = w token.pos = start_pos token.startchar = start_pos token.endchar = stop_posyieldtoken 开发...
# 需要导入模块: import jieba [as 别名]# 或者: from jieba importtokenize[as 别名]def__call__(self, text, **kargs):words = jieba.tokenize(text, mode="search") token = Token()for(w, start_pos, stop_pos)inwords:ifnotaccepted_chars.match(w)andlen(w) <=1:continuetoken.original = t...
String[]tokens=tokenizer.tokenize(chars.toString()); text.addAll(Arrays.asList(tokens)); } } 代码示例来源:origin: apache/opennlp publicTokenSampleread()throwsIOException{; if(inputString!=null){ Span[]tokens=tokenizer.tokenizePos(inputString); ...