Also, you can edit your nickname on each server that you’re a part of. Go to one of the servers that you belong to, and click the downward arrow next to the server name on the top left. Select “Change Nickname” to set your custom display name. 另外,您可以在所属的每台服务器上...
Discord tokens act as an authorization code that comprises letters and numbers. This code is used to access the Discord server, assigned when the user creates a new Discord account. Discord token differs from the username, password, and tag, which developers use to provide full access to their...
Set your token as the value of the DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN env var to enable discord bot features.GSW Control Panel optionsEach server can have multiple channels to post and update the server status message to. The channels are identified by the channel ID. The simplest way to get a discord ...
该解读里说的 bookmark 就是浏览器书签,这个书签里的内容可以是一段 JavaScript 恶意代码,当 Discord 用户点击时,恶意 JavaScript 代码就会在用户所在的 Discord 域内执行,盗取 Discord Token,攻击者获得项目方的 Discord Token 后就可以直接自动化接管项目方的 Discord 账户相关权限。 背景知识 要理解该事件需要读者...
The Discord Raider Application is a versatile bot project built in C# that serves various automation and management functions on the Discord platform. It includes features for token checking, custom game status, HypeSquad assignments, server management, message automation, and more. csharp discord dis...
下面是演示攻击者编写的 JavaScript 代码获取 Token 等个人信息后,通过 Discord Server 的 webhook 接收到。 笔者补充几点可能会产生疑问的攻击细节: 1. 为什么受害者点了一下就获取了? 通过背景知识我们知道,书签可以插入一段 JavaScript 脚本,有了这个几乎可以做任何事情,包括通过 Discord 封装好的 webpackChunkdisc...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于discord 共享 token的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及discord 共享 token问答内容。更多discord 共享 token相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
下面是演示攻击者编写的 Java 代码获取 Token 等个人信息后,通过 Discord Server 的 webhook 接收到。 笔者补充几点可能会产生疑问的攻击细节: 1. 为什么受害者点了一下就获取了? 通过背景知识我们知道,书签可以插入一段 Java 脚本,有了这个几乎可以做任何事情,包括通过 Discord 封装好的 webpackChunkdiscord_app ...
演示采用的谷歌浏览器,在用户登录 Web 端 Discord 的前提下,假设受害者在钓鱼页面的指引下添加了恶意书签,在 Discord Web 端登录时,点击了该书签,触发恶意代码,受害者的 Token 等个人信息便会通过攻击者设置好的 Discord webhook 发送到攻击者的频道上。
To gain access to the Discord server, you are required to hold 60 $FWB (their token) in your crypto wallet. Today, that’s around $500. The relatively high barrier to entry serves as a “proof of work” to limit the spam that usually comes with public Discord servers. On the other ...