前端调用abp后台时报"RequestVerificationToken" is not present 这个RequestVerificationToken 是预防CSRF攻击的一个手段,abp默认是开启的。开启后,前端所有的post请求的header必须带有这个token,请求才能到达对应方法里。如想关闭此配置,只需要在host工程下面的modules的 publicoverridevoidConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationCon...
so the antiforgery token is present but why isnt it being sent to the controller action ? Anti-forgery tokens are used in POSTs not GETs. If you want to include the anti-forgery token with a GET then you'll need to add the token to the HTTP header and craft an MVC filter to validat...
I tried now to clear storage, I got same error: "System.Web.Mvc.HttpAntiForgeryException: 'The required anti-forgery form field "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present." Friday, November 6, 2020 7:19 AM Hi Khalid Salameh, You could check this in the web.config: ...
an error message 'Your request could not be processed because a required security token was not present in the request. You may need to re-submit the form or reload the page.' is displayed. This affects all users and all attachments. ...
it is decided that it is enough that it is grecognized tha it is hoped that it is much the same it is necessary to it is not growing lik it is nothing but it is now in the pipe it is safe to say it is seldom the case it is the stairway to it is when my love is it is ...
Attempting to export a page/space fails with the error message "Your request could not be processed because a required security token was not present in the request". Cause The following REST call fails in the browse...
For AD DS, the tokenGroups attribute is not present if noGC serveris available to evaluate the transitive reverse memberships. The tokenGroupsNoGCAcceptable attribute can always be retrieved, but if no GC server is available, the set of SIDs might be incomplete. ...
Specifies if the public client application should used an embedded web browser or the system default browser. If the broker (WAM, Authenticator, Company Portal) is configured, this setting is only used when the broker is not installed.
Error: "The required anti-forgery cookie "__RequestVerificationToken_L3Rmcw2" is not present. Ensure that cookies are enabled in your browser."Cause: The browser is not able to send the request verification token through cookie .Resolution:...
//Fail if token not present in header.if(!accessTokenFromClient)returnres.status(401).send("Access Token missing from header");cognitoExpress.validate(accessTokenFromClient,function(err,response){//If API is not authenticated, Return 401 with error message.if(err)returnres.status(401).send(...