Token is expired. /* global FB */ import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; import { Auth } from "aws-amplify"; import { Amplify } from "aws-amplify"; Amplify.configure({ Auth: { identityPoolId: process.env.POOLID, ...
If that's not possible—GitHub Pages, for instance, does not allow you to change the default 10 minute HTTP cache lifetime—then be aware that if you visit your production site, and then revisit again before service-worker.js has expired from your HTTP cache, you'll continue to get the...
Return custom json response when Unauthorized / token expired return RedirectToAction() is not working to go to index view after calling partial view for Deleting the record. Please help Returning a mp3 file trough File Action results, stops after being played for 10 minutes Role based authorizati...
For example, if a token is evaluated as being expired through the "exp" (Expiration Time) but also has a status of 0x00 ("VALID"), the token is considered expired. Verification and Processing Status List Request To obtain the Status List Token, the Relying Party MUST send an HTTP GET ...
GitHub deletes any expired token 12 hours after it expires, and it is no longer visible. That's a great data point. While I'd advocate for something a bit longer, so that the listed expired tokens can be used to setup new scopes or tokens it can be a lot shorter than the 1 year...
How to Fill a Div with the Results of a Javascript Function How to fill a percent of a table cell with a color while still putting the % full text centered How to filter data table when specific column name contains? How to filter error messages containing physical path information ? How...
In a super magical world Peter could allow the bot access to his project, and each time the bot is called to act it would be given a token that was super short lived and scoped only to the permissions it needed and only the project it needed, and then expired, and if it was needed...
The server may allow requests to this endpoint to be authenticated with an expired token, so that clients can check for server-side changes before fetching an updated token from theToken Server. GEThttps://<endpoint-url>/info/quota Returns a two-item list giving the user’s current usage an...
A PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider is used in cases where the user already has been authenticated with the system so a minimal re-authentication check occurs at different points during the session, as in the case of the refresh_token flow, to ensure the user session hasn't expired for exam...
For example, if a token is evaluated as being expired through the "exp" (Expiration Time) but also has a status of 0x00 ("VALID"), the token is considered expired. As this is out of scope for this document, this validation is not described here, but is expected to be done according...