在下面的示例中,TOKENCOUNT 函数返回 4。 此示例中的分隔符字符串包含 5 个分隔符。 输入字符串包含 4 个标记:“a”、“little”、“white”、“dog”。 复制 TOKENCOUNT("a:little|white dog","| ,.:") 在下面的示例中,TOKENCOUNT 函数返回 4。 它将忽略所有前导空格字符。 复制 TOKENCOUNT(" ...
TOKENCOUNT("01/12/2011", "/") 下列範例中因有四個 Token ("a"、"little"、"white"、"dog"),所以 TOKENCOUNT 函數會傳回 4。 複製 TOKENCOUNT("a little white dog"," ") 在下列範例中,TOKENCOUNT 函數會傳回 1。 此函數會剖析輸入字串中的分隔符號,但因為字串中不具分隔符號,所以會直接加入整個...
TokenCountIntegertoken计数 示例值:2 CharacterCountInteger字符计数 示例值:3 TokensArray of String切分后的列表 示例值:["你是", "谁"] RequestIdString唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。
print(f"这些文档一共Token数量估计为{total_token_count}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
TOKENCOUNT (SSIS Expression) TRIM (SSIS Expression) UPPER (SSIS Expression) YEAR (SSIS Expression) Event Handlers Queries Transactions Deploy Integration Services (SSIS) Projects and Packages Legacy Package Deployment (SSIS) Run Integration Services (SSIS) Packages Scale Out Catalog and Server SSIS Cata...
token_count = estimate_tokens(content) if token_count is not None: print(f"{file_path}这篇文档的Token数量估计为{token_count}") return token_count else: print(f"Failed to estimate tokens for file: {file_path}") return 0 def main(): ...
strLib.getTokenCount( source STRING in, delimiters STRING in) returns (result INT) source Input can be any variable or expression that is assignment compatible with the STRING type. delimiters A STRING containing one or more delimiter characters, with no characters separating one from the next. ...
Method and circuit for trimming an internal oscillator of a USB device according to a counting number between a first and second clock count value A circuit and method for trimming an internal oscillator of a USB device that generates a clock signal as a frequency source of the USB device det...
for the client deliverable.",},]formodelin["gpt-3.5-turbo-0301","gpt-4-0314"]:print(model)# example token count from the function defined aboveprint(f"{num_tokens_from_messages(example_messages, model)} prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_from_messages().")# example token count from ...
CountSegmentToken(QueryToken, QueryToken, QueryToken) 如果有任何) ,則為 NextToken、FilterOption (建立 CountSegmentToken,如果有任何) 則建立 SearchOption (。 CountSegmentToken(QueryToken) 指定NextToken,建立 CountSegmentToken。 C# 複製 public CountSegmentToken (Microsoft.OData.Client.ALinq.UriParse...