“A token of appreciation”的意思是“表示感激的小礼物或象征”,它是对他人帮助、支持或善意行为的一种回报,旨在传达出
“token of appreciation”在中文中直接翻译为“感激的象征”或“作为感激的表示”,它通常指的是为了表达对他人的感谢、认可
同学你好token有 象征性代表,证明,记号的意思因此就是说 my appreciation我的感谢的证明也就是表示感谢的意思如Here is a small token of my appreciation. 这是我感激之心的小小象征。 版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《【Uni智能】雅思7分一站式VIP-大学起点【现金奖励班】》的学员和老师,如果想了解更多,可以报名...
The SDGtoken of Appreciation is one of the oldest concepts in cryptocurrency. Originating from the Republic Of Conscience (now ConscienceLAND) the SDGtoken represents the collective and cooperative value of our human efforts to solve the SDG’s - the 17+1 Sustainable Development Goals, with a GR...
appreciation的中文翻译 token of appreciation 表示 感谢 双语例句 1 the facilitator thanks all participants and gives each a token of appreciation.主持人对所有与会者表示感谢并依次给予赞赏。2 accept the gift as a token of appreciation and get a lot of use out of it.接受礼品,以示感谢...
《美语宝典》 第639期 周一到周五发布 a token of appreciation 一点小意思(不成敬意) ►含义: A token of appreciation is a small act of kindness that shows gratitude. 表达感谢的小举动。 ►例句: The school offered every parent £25 asa token of appreciationof their ...
appreciation的中文翻译 token of appreciation 表示 感谢 双语例句 1 The facilitator thanks all participants and gives each a token of appreciation.主持人对所有与会者表示感谢并依次给予赞赏。2 Accept the gift as a token of appreciation and get a lot of use out of it.接受礼品,以示感谢...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook TOFA (redirected fromToken of Appreciation) AcronymDefinition TOFATaxation of Financial Arrangements TOFATall Oil Fatty Acid TOFATournament of Flash Artists(annual competition) TOFAToken of Appreciation(est. 2008) ...
第一问:在英语文化中,“a small token of appreciation”通常指的是一种小礼物或纪念品,用来表达对主人的感激之情。这可以是一瓶酒、一束花、一盒巧克力、一本书、一件手工艺品或任何其他小礼物,其价值不在于物质本身,而在于它所代表的心意。 第二问:在中国,人们通常会带一些礼物给主人,以示尊重和感激。常见...
token of appreciation的中文翻译 token of appreciation 表示 感谢 双语例句 1 The facilitator thanks all participants and gives each a token of appreciation.主持人对所有与会者表示感谢并依次给予赞赏。2 Accept the gift as a token of appreciation and get a lot of use out of it.接受礼品...