牛刀/主厨刀还有一种火力全开的cross-chop刀法,一手轻按住刀身前半部分,一手持刀往复抬起落下,利用刀刃弧度让刀像跷跷板一样在砧板上快速把菜切碎。 附上一个非常棒的Chef's knife 刀法讲解视频: 牛刀划拉、闸切的刀法都是西式的,如果能够适应,使用起来是爽快无比的。但如果你只适应中式的直刀切刀法,那么倒也...
Tojiro DP Paring 90mm Posted By:Kenton-verified customer 2 people found this review helpful Great knife right out of the box! Was this rating helpful to you?YesNo Love this little guy! Posted By:Sophia-verified customer 2 people found this review helpful ...
This is the sharpest out of the box chef's knife I have ever seen. Great fit and finish. Was this rating helpful to you?YesNo Amazing Value! Posted By:Sam-verified customer 2 people found this review helpful I can't imagine a better blade for any amount of money. Need a Gyotu now...
正面为汉字LOGO,藤次郎作,还带有DP系列标识 牛刀Gyuto,欧式系列,有各种大小不一的款式。英文名“chef’s knife”(厨刀),也是一款万能刀,适合切各类食材。与三德的区别几乎不大,主要在款式上,刀刃顶端圆弧为三德,刀刃顶端尖为牛刀。
Yukifuji Chu-kasumi Gyokuhaku-ko (White Steel) Japanese Chef's Unagi-Saki 210mm (2) Iseya I-series 33 Layer VG-10 Damascus Hammered Japanese Chef's Petty Knife(Utility) 150mm (133) Tojiro (FUJITORA) DP 3Layered VG10 Japanese Chef's Gyuto Knife 210mm ...
Shop for Tojiro Knives at Cutlery and More. Direct from Japan, we stock a wide selection of Tojiro DP VG10, their SG2/R2 and hammered series knives. We also offer some exclusive Tojiro knife sets and have low prices on items like the Tojiro DP Gyuto and
Tojiro Pro DP santoku (see it on Amazon). A santoku knife has a flat blade with little to no curve compared to a gyuto or chef's knife. Santokus have become popular in the USA, replacing many cooks' chef's knives for basic prep work. ...
Chef Knife 200mm Petty 135mm ]]> https://www.tojiro-japan.com/2023/06/24/new-arrival-3/feed/ 0 https://www.tojiro-japan.com/2023/02/17/new-shop-open-in-tokyo/ https://www.tojiro-japan.com/2023/02/17/new-shop-open-in-tokyo/#respond Fri, 17 Feb 2023 04:09:35 +0000 https:...
This knife has a great handle and weight. Awesome blade shape and is overall a workhorse knife. Great buy and I only have the honesuki but am looking into the chef knife as well. I use misono and glestain but for this price I should've gone with the tojiro dp!