Toilet cisterns & flush tanks: This article explains how a flush toilet operates and describes the types, parts, and operation of the toilet cistern or toilet flush tank. This article series describes the different types and models of toilets: historica
ethe pipe that comes from the cistern. fthe screw. gthe scallop shell, to cover it when it is shut down. Hthe stool pot. ithe stopple. kthe current. lthe sluice. M,nthe vault into which it falls: always remember that ( ) at noon and at night empty it, and leave it half a...
Used in quantities of fractions of ounces no, an odorant won't harm the septic system in normal household use; however take care that some toilet bowl deodorizers and fresheners dispensed from the cistern or toilet tank can cause deterioration in rubber or plastic parts in the toilet flush an...
As this is a dual-flush toilet, some assembly was required to install the push-button assembly into the top of the toilet cistern (tank) lid. I use a bit of silicone spray to ease the installation as the mounting washer has to rotate against a rubber or plastic gasket surface. The ...