Figure 3-3 Example — Architecture Definition Document 图3-3示例-架构定义文档 有关交付物、制品和构建块概念的更多的细节参见 TOGAF标准-架构内容。 TOGAF标准-ADM技术 描述架构开发方法,并包括可在每个阶段创建的交付物和制品的摘要列表。 TOGAF标准-架构内容 包含这些的详细描述。 3.7 架构抽象Architecture Abstra...
Select relevant Data Architecture viewpoints (for example, stakeholders of the data — regulatory bodies, users, generators, subjects, auditors, etc.; various time dimensions — real-time, reporting period, event-driven, etc.; locations; business processes); i.e., those that will enable the arch...
Figure 2-2Example — Architecture Definition Document image.png 图2-2示例-架构定义文档 企业连续统一体 TOGAF标准包括企业连续统一体概念,该概念为架构师设定了更广泛的背景,并说明如何利用通用解决方案和专门解决方案,以支持单个组织的需求。企业连续统一体是架构存储库的一个视图,它提供了分类架构和解决人为因素的...
TOGAF® 标准9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 –简体中文 v 参考文档 本Open Group 标准参考了以下文献: TOGAF® 标准9.2 版(英语版)可通过/architecture/togaf9- doc/arch 在线下载,也可从The Open Group 库(/library/c182 ) 上获得 vi The Open Group 标准(年) 1 引言 1.1 目标 本翻译词汇表旨在为...
Contributions are made to each phase according to the roles and expertise relevant to that phase. For example, senior business and technical staff work on the first phase, Architectural Vision, while business analysts and key departmental contributors work on the second phase, Business Architecture. ...
app=Flask(__name__)@app.route('/api/data',methods=['GET'])defget_data():"""获取数据的示例接口"""data={'name':'TOGAF Example','value':'PAAS Architecture'}returnjsonify(data)if__name__=='__main__'
The content metamodel provides a definition of all the types of building blocks that may exist within an architecture, showing how these building blocks can be described and related to one another. For example, when creating an architecture, an architect will identify applications, “data entities...
The TOGAF "Architecture Content Framework" (ACF) aka. "Meta Model" is something very specific: it defines the attributes of theBuilding Blocks, which is an UML-like set of generic "things": a database, a service, an "actor" (a person or a whole partner corporation), an application, a...
It is an example of how one enterprise – The Open Group – has used them, and broadly covers: • How did The Open Group develop the principles? • How did The Open Group apply the principles? • How did The Open Group comply with the principles? The Open Group would like to ...
For example, when I was working on a project for a retail company, we had to clearly define the business processes for inventory management and customer relationship management to ensure smooth integration with the IT systems. Next, the Data architecture domain deals with defining the organization'...