Standing in the store, reading the blurb, I instantly felt compelled to give this book a go. It’s a non-fiction, memoir of sorts, about a girl who grew up in the mountains of Idaho with her mom, dad and boo-coos of siblings, she being the youngest. It chronicles her family life...
Hi, so i lost my toe nail when i was 14. im 17 now, and still have no toenail. every time it grew back i would pick it back off, but now it wont even grow back. what kind of surgery should i look into to fix this problem and grow my toenail back. please help me. Jasonsays...
we will first do a biopsy to make sure it really is fungus. If the biopsy comes back negative, the laser will not work, and we will not take your $600. Ethical and honest treatment from altruistic physicians.