PurNail Nail Fungus Remedy is an all-natural alternative to the more aggressive products on the market for treating nail fungus. Rather than taking a powerful anti-fungal by mouth, you can use this topical treatment to help rid yourself of the fungus that is growing under the nail. It will...
toenail Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to toenail:ingrown toenail,Toenail fungus toe·nail (tō′nāl′) n. 1.The thin, horny, transparent plate covering the upper surface of the end of a toe. 2.A nail driven obliquely, as to join vertical and horizontal...
If you test positive for fungus, your doc will probably prescribe a topical treatment for the surface of the nail as well as an oral medication to reach what's hiding underneath, says Lauren Ploch, M.D., a dermatologist based in New Orleans. And don't forget to decontaminate your shoes—...
Many people wonder if whatever treatment they use is going to kill the fungus or just slow it down. Killing fungus is called fungicidal. Slowing it down is fungistatic. While many medications as well as lasers can kill fungus in a laboratory setting, essentially all therapy fails to kill all...