Topical treatments are usually first-line treatments because they carry less risk, but they must be applied daily and can take up to a year to notice significant improvement. Filing the nail's surface may make it easier for the medication to get through the nail, closer to the fungus.3 How...
Prescription nail polishes are an option to treat toenail fungus, but they take a long time to work. And theyaren’t as effectiveas pills for severe cases. That’s because they don’t penetrate the nail very well. That said, they’re still a good option for people with mild cases of ...
Terbinafine (Lamisil)oritraconazole (Sporanox). These prescription antifungal pills are the most effective for toenail fungus. You need to take them for 12 weeks, although some people use intermittent (not continuous) or pulsed dosing (taking the medication just one week out of the month, for a...
For a fast and effective solution for toenail fungus, prescription medication such as fluconazole (Diflucan) is the best option. Clear nail is also a viable alternative, offering immediate treatment with no known side effects. How do you soak your feet in vinegar to get rid of toenail fungus?
work. though. The product estimates that you will need about a three to four month supply, but if you do not want to take prescription medication or they are not effective for you, then scrubbing on a topical treatment might be the solution that takes care of your embarrassing nail fungus...
Nothing kills toenail fungus right away. It can take at least 6 months to as long as 18 months to see your nail return to normal. What kills toenail fungus the fastest? A prescription medication like terbinafine will work faster than a home remedy, but you'll still need to take it for...
You may be able to treat your toenail problem at home. However, certain problems warrant medical attention. You may need oral medication or a procedure like a debridement or toenail removal.
Nowadays there are many products available to treat toenail fungus, of these treatments there are oral or topical, and natural or prescription. The topical treatment is often preferred over the systemic medication because the topical treatment has far fewer side effects than the oral. The prescriptio...
If your toe is infected, one of these things might be to blame: You cut the nail too short, or you cut the cuticle around the nail. You have aningrown toenail(the side of your nail grows into the skin). You've picked up afungus, which you can get if you walk barefoot in common...
Take an oral anti-fungal medication if your doctor prescribes it1.A physician may order prescription oral anti-fungal medications for severe cases of nail fungus that topical treatments cannot cure.Take the medication for six to 12 weeks, or as prescribed by your physician. ...