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01.【词汇】最新托业(TOEIC)阅读高频词汇英汉双解.pdf,第一考试网 托业TOEIC年高频词汇英汉双解 1.adjust—Tochangesoastomatchorfit;causetocorrespond … 改变 以 适应=alter Toadjust(agarment)forabetterfit修改 2.adjoining—Neighboring;contiguous接临的=neighboring
It has been proven that by becoming familiar with the design of the test and using strategies like these students can boost a TOEIC L&R score by 50 points. Try this ready-made lesson to teach proven test-taking strategies for the TOEIC L&R. There's a slide show, a video, a PDF of...
Plus, you’ll get a BONUS PDF with 50 more idioms to continue practicing. And that’s not all—you’ll also receive a FREE downloadable PDF with 1,000 beginner, intermediate, and advanced crossword puzzle words to make learning fun and engaging. Don’t let idioms hold you back from ...
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