TOEFL Writing Preparation TOEFL Writing Introduction The writing section is the fourth section of the TOEFL iBT test and takes about50 minutesto complete. It consists of two separate tasks: anIntegrated Writing taskand anAcademic Discussion Writing task. The Independent task requires you to write an...
I’ll tell you your current level and show you how to improve as quickly as possible.Sign up today. The Sample Essay Nowadays, there are many ways for people to learn about the world. In my opinion, the knowledge we gain from our personal experiences is more important than what we...
This is the second writing question on the TOEFL iBT Test.Get more samples here. The test-taker must read the question posted by the professor and the two student responses. Finally, they should write their own response which addresses the question and adds to the conversation. They have ten...
Writing for Academic Discussion (Writing Question Two) Here’s a template that focuses on expanding on and challenging the points mentioned by the other students. This is a challenging topic, but I think that [respond directly to the question].I strongly agree with [student]’s idea that [me...
Sample essays are another great resource for practice. You can review sample TOEFL essays for both Independent Writing and Integrated Writing in the aforementioned Magoosh’s complete guide to TOEFL Writing samples and in our TOEFL Writing Templates. And partial or complete sample essays can also be...
In my opinion, the primary reason for studying abroad is academic. Students wish to reap the benefits associated with attending a reputable educational institute. In addition, gaining admission to prestigious college or university is often regarded as an achievement in itself. The quality of the aca...
对于中国学生来说,托福、雅思绝对是地位最高的,当时间来不及的时候选择PTE Academic倒是也能应急,但是考试思路和托福雅思有些差别,至少提前看看OG再裸考。有些免除语言测试的选项,在和学校沟通后可能会被要求提交writing sample甚至是marked writing sample,申请waive一定问清楚了。我们可以看到,有些学校不仅对总分做出...
TOEFL Writing #1 For this task, you will have 3 minutes to read a short academic article. and You will listen a short lecture from a professor about this article. In an actual test , you will then have 20 minutes to write a response to a question that asks you about the relationship ...
Like in the following textbook sample: The Han Dynasty of China has dominated much of ancient East Asia for a long time. As said before, "dominate" can also mean ‘to be the most common”. This usage appears quite often in TOEFL academic lectures or passages. So, let’s look at some...