In this guide you can start a free TOEFL writing practice test with sample essays and learn some basic and advanced independent & integrated writing lessons to help improve your writing skills and successfully prepare you for your TOEFL writing test. This page contains everything you need to ...
About these TOEFL® Writing Samples TOEFL Integrated Writing Practice The first TOEFL writing question is the Integrated Writing Task.
这个满分示范来自于官方样题,对应上面“备考资料部分”的Writing Practice Set 4(就是important invention 那个题目) In the past 200 years, tons of scientific discoveries or technological inventions have been shown to the world. 【引入话题】If I had to choose one ...
- Premium access to unlock unlimited practice, advanced AI-powered assistance, and detailed progress tracking. COMING SOON - Answer explanations and feedback in your preferred language - More content for reading, writing, listening, and speaking ...
1.登陆ETS托福在线练习网站:http://toeflpractice.ets/ (注意:在授权码过期之前及时注册!) 2.在主页面右下角点击“checksystem”,确保电脑设置符合要求。 3.在“Ifyouhaveanauthorizationnumber,pleaseenteritbelow:” 框内输入所购买零售版TPO卡背面刮开的授权号 ...
2. 访问托福在线练习(TPO)主页: 2.1 登录/注册您的TPO帐号 2.2 在左侧菜单栏选择“输入授权码(Enter Authorization Code)”,并输入您的授权码 2.3 在“开始新的考试(Start a New Test)”下选择“开始在线考试(Start Online)” ...
Ideally, if you have more time today, guys, and I'm asking you to do this, after you finish this video, go to or any other website that you wanna use and take a free TOEFL practice test, because this is the best thing you can do on the first day.理想...
Days 4 and 5 are for your writing practice. 第4 天和第 5 天用于写作练习。 Spend one day on the integrated essay practice and the second day on the writing for an academic discussion assignment. 花一天时间进行综合论文练习,第二天花时间进行学术讨论作业的写作。 For the last two days, focus...
You need to know what level your English skills in reading, listening, writing and speaking are BEFORE you take the official test so you have time to improve them. The most practical and price effective method is to do practice tests that simulate the real test. Free materials you can find...
specially in the writing section the first question and in the speaking section question number 4 & 6. the reading and listening questions were the same as the real test questions. also i found plenty of questions in each section so it worked well for my practice. Finally, when a problem ...