TOEFL Academic Discussion Writing Question: AI This is the second writing question on the TOEFL iBT Test.Get more samples here. — Your professor is teaching a class on computer science. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response, you should ...
Sample Answer 2 (with template) This response mostly ignores the other students and gives my own ideas. This is also an acceptable approach to the question. While I think Mike raised some relevant points, I really feel thattargeted advertising is problematic. Nowadays families are struggling to ...
学术讨论可在托福官网免费练习Practice Tests for the TOEFL iBT Test ( 以下为我写的几篇文章,均为5分 供参考指正
Vince毕业于密歇根大学和斯坦福大学,在TOEFL中获得119,雅思总分9,写作自2019至今一直满分 写作课程针对Academic Discussion中的每一个环节给出解决方法,并结合了Vince在与众多写作遇到瓶颈的同学的共同学习经验中总结出来的有效方法。希望能快速有效的帮助同学达到高分并取得学术英语学习上的进步! 于2023年8月完成对Academic...
Vince毕业于密歇根大学和斯坦福大学,在TOEFL中获得119,雅思总分9,写作自2019至今一直满分 写作课程针对Academic Discussion中的每一个环节给出解决方法,并结合了Vince在与众多写作遇到瓶颈的同学的共同学习经验中总结出来的有效方法。希望能快速有效的帮助同学达到高分并取得学术英语学习上的进步! 于2023年8月完成对Academic...
1 academic discussion task20 minutes 10 minutes Let's have a brief look at each TOEFL section. We'll go over what each section includes and where you can find additional resources for each section. TOEFL Reading Test Section The reading section is the first section of the TOEFL iBT test. ...
Use specific details and examples in your answer. TOEFL Academic Discussion Writing Task Type: Compare and Contrast This is our last question type on our list and is a little tricky. The “Compare and Contrast" Question can be fool you, so you need to pay attention to what it’s really ...
The page is an online resource to help students prepare TOEFL Writing for an Academic Discussion, a short academic essay to share your opinion in an online discussion with a professor and other students. These writing questions are from test-takers and other public resources. It's maintained wee...
Writing for Academic Discussion (Writing Question Two) Here’s a template that focuses on expanding on and challenging the points mentioned by the other students. This is a challenging topic, but I think that [respond directly to the question].I strongly agree with [student]’s idea that [me...
Academic based topic Reading: term学术术语(notes)→引入语→concept(概念)→解释(概括) Listening: professor (inform)→examples The relationship betweenreadingandlistening: 分类:Classify, each kind, many kinds, divide into. 顺序:History, development, evolution, how. 研讨:Seminar, group, discussion. 因...