I can’t get enough of these boots. They are stunning! The only thing that concerns me is the casual ankle cuts you might earn as the booth lining is leaning flat to the ankle, so I advise using long socks. Nonetheless, this model is undoubtedly versatile and labor-friendly. What We L...
I use them all year round, and only put on a pair of socks when it’s REALLY freezing cold, and then again, mostly to keep people from asking me “aren’t your feet cold?”. But there are different situations where walking in barefoot or in a pair of huaraches is socially quite ...
I had not brough my clubs with me on the trip so borrowed a rental set at his club. I had been in search of a better solution out of greenside bunkers and out of rough near the greens. This wedge was in the rental set I used that day. The design of his club and the ...
I’ve also been knitting and crocheting. Here are July’s socks. Not sure what made me knit the wide-stripe pair so tightly, but I did. They are the same stitch count around as the other pair, but are significantly narrower. I can wear them (just), but not all of my target audien...
for sock in select_except_socks: # N.B: this is unlikely to actually ever contain any sockets, so # you can probably ignore it, although it is included here for # completeness read_socks.remove(sock) sock.close() use threading or multiprocessing (which has a near-identical API, just us...
So when the nice folks atBelt Outletoffered to send me some Gold Toe socks to review, I happily obliged. They sent six pairs: over-the-calfs inwoolandmercerized cotton, as well as mid-calfs intweed,pima cotton, and two kinds (1,2) of wools. I’ve been wearing them for a month no...
One thing that attracted me to the style when I tried it on, weirdly, was how nice it felt with socks. Socks and sandals, of course, have a bit of a dodgy reputation (even though brandslike Ghiaiaare doing a lot to reclaim it). But this is different – fine, dress socks, worn ...
I recently mourned the loss of the Merrell’s Pace Glove (renamed from the Trail Glove). I went through four pairs of those hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2014, and was known by some as “the girl who doesn’t wear socks.” The Pace Gloves were great for walking naturally, providing ...
Both of these situations put pressure on the spinal cord, which sits just above the disc. While IVDD can occur anywhere in the spine, it happens most often in the cervical (i.e. neck) or thoracolumbar area (i.e. mid-back near the junction of the last rib and the first few lumbar ...
Start with socks at first, especially if you have peripheral neuropathy => don’t freeze your foot! Remember that you still need good orthotics, good shoes and inserts as well as temporary activity reduction.Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon): Buy on Amazo...