The app's interface is designed to be simple and user-friendly. It features a clean and minimalist design, with a primary color scheme of purple and white. For tasks that repeat, users can choose to repeat the task daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. For weekly repeating tasks, users can...
simple Login screen for iphone | UI design of mobile app Fashion app ui A Post 1 comment Mubarak Oyelowo@mubaraCreator· 6 months ago in the beginning God created designers! This is a Figma Community file. Community is a space for Figma users to share things they create. Get started wit...
You will find both a mobile and a desktop version of the design. The designs are in JPG static format. Using JPGs will mean that you'll need to use your best judgment for styles such as font-size, padding and margin. If you would like the design files (we provide Sketch & Figma ...
Web/WebAssembly, iOS, macOS, Android and Linux. It allows C# and WinUI XAML code to run on all target platforms, while allowing you control of every pixel. It comes with support for Fluent, Material and Cupertino design systems out of the box. Uno Platform implements a growing number of...
V0 (Ia para criar certos componentes e pages de forma automática através de uma imagem do seu figma ou wireframe ou texto) Eslint Prettier Husky Lint-staged Yarn Dica: Dica: Para rodar mais rápido localmente modifique o script dev para: next dev --turbo, isso habilitará o turbopack...
To-do app design made in Figma that you can use for inspiration, that you can use as a reference if you're into that clean look.
Lucas Viga Todo App Design file • 26 • 1.7k users Open in FigmaAbout Comments 1 A simple design I created to practing my design skills. You can use the app here: Preview More by this creator Weather App Todo React Test
Demo ToDo App for web application. responsive design vue version: svelte version: Github: More info: ...
If you would like the design files (we provide Sketch & Figma versions) to inspect the design in more detail, you can subscribe as a PRO member. You will find all the required assets in the /images folder. The assets are already optimized. There is also a file containing...
If you would like the design files (we provide Sketch & Figma versions) to inspect the design in more detail, you cansubscribe as a PRO member. You will find all the required assets in the/imagesfolder. The assets are already optimized. ...