They can already remember certain routines, such as what they must do before mealtimes (hand washing) or sleeping (teeth brushing). At this age, toddlers will likely know how to match objects based on their shapes or colors. They can pull apart and try to put toys or things together. (...
Pictures of Practical Life & Ideas Montessori Practical Life at Home Montessori World-Practical Life Album (Lessons) Early Toddler Ideas -Hands and Mouth Toddler Handwork & Brushing Hair Activity More Toddler Ideas Make Your Own Montessori Early Learning Materials ...
If your child is showing you that she understands what is needed, she is also telling you that she is ready to “have a try.” Whenever you have time, let your child try to do things for herself: such as putting on a shirt, feeding herself, and brushing her teeth. With ...
Parents Honestly, trying to coax a 2 year old to follow instructions when she is eager to explore her true interests soundsvery tiringto me, besides being not worth the trouble (or money). I’d rather save my frustration for the activities that Ihaveto insist on… like brushing teeth or ...