I hate that. So as soon as she gets out of the shower, when I’m done freaking out because I see with my own eyes that she didn’t totally disappear and wash away forever, I have to have mama milks.RIGHT AWAY. Before she is finished drying off, before she gets dressed, and befo...
Toddler demands, separation anxiety and diaper changes on the go. Life with your 14-month-old is next-level.
then introduce the toilet. If you force anything on a toddler, chances are you’ll be met with resistance or worse, you can traumatize the child so she’s afraid of taking off her diaper. Annabelle took over a year to be fully potty trained and ...
A trip to the potty (or a diaper change) Dimming the lights and spending a little quiet time together reading, putting his favorite teddy to bed, orsinging lullabies. Experts suggest this step should happen in his bedroom (or whatever room he is sleeping in) so that your toddler sees his...
TheseBaby Alive Snackin’ dollscome in girl versions, boy versions and in several different hair colors. You can choose the version of this doll that your toddler will love. From feeding to diapering and beyond, Baby Alive dolls create realistic nurturing experiences. With Baby Alive Super Snac...
If your child is the latter, I would, first off, encourage you. If they are at the age where you need to get the ball rolling, take heart and grab your bag of patience. You can do it. My indicator: whenever your child starts randomly taking off their diaper, it’s time. Period....
Parents often freak out when their little one cannot keep their hands out of their diaper area, and while this can be alarming—particularly if your toddler is your first or only child—don't hit the panic button. At least not yet. Dr. Jones says, to put it simply, your toddler is...
Taking comfort in stuffed animals in bed Avoiding eye contact Hiding even when pooping in theirdiaper Physical Development& Growth Sleep Improvements & Habits TheAAP(American Academy of Pediatrics) and AASM (American Academy of Sleep Medicine) both recommend the following sleeping guidelines for toddle...
at leastmostof the time. What it is about, however, is now being the parent of a human being who has more feelings and wants than a new diaper and a bottle, but not enough emotional maturity or life experience to understand priorities, logic, or, for the love of God, social embarrassm...
Once your child is showing signs that they're ready to potty train, like pulling down their own pants and staying dry in their diaper for at least two hours at a time, you can give potty training a shot. (Just be prepared to back off if they resist, because you don't want to crea...