They used to be far apart, but now have been happening a lot more. She just all of a sudden turns red and gets really sweaty, growls continuously, drools uncontrollably, and shakes and makes fists, tries to grab on to me or whatever is nearby and squeezes it, she cries nonstop, she...
I put it down to teething (many are coming at the same time) and a virus. Giving calpol at night, nurofen day time. Works for a little bit but cheeks, head and chest/back still feels very warm. But I know medicine has worked because she seems more relaxed after it and sleeps from...
windpipe, or lungs sense the irritation, air is reflexively and forcefully ejected through the passageways. Basically, coughing helps keep the airways clear. The most common irritant is mucus, a fluid that cleans and moisturizes the nasal passages. When a lot of mucus is ...