Someone once told me that when babies are born, they are like an adult after a couple of six packs of beer – drooling, peeing themselves, and incapable of taking care of themselves. AS they grow older, they sober up – but toddlers still have quite a few beers in them. I think th...
My husband has always been a poor sleeper, but lately it's gotten out of control. He is having a lot of stress at work, and this has caused him to start sleep-walking. I don't love the idea of installing top-notch baby gates just for his safety. On top of that, he snores like...
So we forgot about the underpants for two weeks, and focused on just getting her to pee. Once she was peeing freely again and feeling happy about being able to pee, we decided to revisit the underwear since the Doctor said that her holding so long was actually a sign she was indeed rea...