Encourage problem-solving and fine motor skills by hiding surprises in small containers. See allLogic & Problem Solving See allactivitytype Play with your food! Spread vanilla pudding on the tray of your toddler’s high chair and let her explore the texture with her fingers. ...
See allPersonal & Social Skills See allactivitytype Touch your nose Play this little game to help your toddler learn new words, and have some silly fun! See allLanguage Learning See all toddler activities Videos See allvideotype Reading to toddlers ...
It probably does not assuage your irritation to know that the 15 minutes your toddler spent in the act of emptying your wallet contents was good for their fine motor skills. You'd probably have preferred they'd practiced their fine motor skills withone of these clothespin activities. ...
locomotor, and manipulative skills. The quality of the toddler’s actions will depend on the quality of the skills already acquired and on practice of desired patterns of movement. There are many movement activities to provide this practice that a physiotherapist can introduce to ...
Find activities to teach your baby hand-eye coordination Fine Motor Skills Puzzles are also a great way for your child to develop fine motor skills through grasping and manipulating blocks and other puzzle pieces. Wooden puzzles for toddlers may have small knobs that require pinching motions. Floor...
Find more activities for you and your toddler Getting Ready for the Day: Turn routine activities at the beginning of your child’s day into learning moments. Outdoor time: The great outdoors can be the best classroom of all. Mealtime: Learning can happen at any time – even while eating....
The first years of life are when your little one learns and completes a lot of skills. Therefore, you have to create an immediate environment with suitable activities based on the child’s personality. And I know that it is a difficult challenge for parents. ...
Once some key ideas about Montessori and toddlerhood are down, the next section is for the activities! I’ve broken the activities into 5 categories: Motor Skills, Art, Practical Life, Sensorial and Language. I’ve arranged them in sequential order just like you’d find in a classroom envir...
Everly got a water table for her first first birthday and has had so much planning with it outside ever since. It’s a great way to keep your little ones cool outside while allowing them to work on their motor skills. Most recently, we’ve been putting her water beads in the table ...
boys and girls to learn numbers 1 to 20 while playing entertaining mini-games. Learning numbers features over 100 educational activities for your child to enjoy. The game will also help children to develop important basic skills such as creativity, motor skills, coordination, attention and memory....