On the home page, you can view all of thebaby, toddler, and curriculum lesson plansin the left sidebar. NEWBORN AND BABY LESSON PLANS But it doesn’t stop at toddlers and preschoolers. There are also specialized lesson plans available for newborns and older babies. These plans provide a g...
Dreaming of Spires Posted onMarch 2, 2024bykatese11 Writing about our childfree jaunt to see “Stranger Things” reminded me that I haven’t yet blogged about our last childfree jaunt – a couple of rainy days in Oxford over half term. It was two weeks ago so I can’t remember all ...
Meghan March 16, 2017 at 2:39 am I used half baby kale and half spinach. I steamed it first and then pressed the water out bc I thought that would limit the veggies taste more. When I noticed the color was a little weak I added a handful more of fresh. Color is pretty good!