Your child also has a fever or a rash. Your child’s soft spot on their skull is bulging or sunken. Your child is vomiting repeatedly. Your child has severe diarrhea. Your child has signs of dehydration: dry mouth, crying without tears, urinating less or not al all, or other dry mucou...
If your little one has a cough, you’re probably wondering what’s causing it. Although a cough can sound awful, it's usually not a sign of a serious condition. In fact, coughing is a healthy and useful reflex that helps clear the airways in the throat and chest. Most of the time,...
We describe a 14-month-old girl who initially presented with 8 days of fever, conjunctival injection, rash, and irritability, admitted with a presumptive diagnosis of Kawasaki disease. Further history revealed intermittent urticarial-like rash since 3 months of age and pathological evaluation showed ...
Apreviously well 20-month-old girl, with a two-week history of persistent fever and neutropenia, was transferred from a secondary care hospital for investigation to rule out a possible diagnosis of leukemia. There was no history of infectious contacts or viral prodrome. The patient previously ...
Once the area appears to be healing well, the bandage can be removed and the area left open to heal. Should your child develop a fever or the wound site show redness or oozing, contact your healthcare provider. These signs may indicate an infection, which may require a prescription ...
Blood cultures were positive for Haemophilus influenzae biogroup aegyptius; further investigation was performed to assess the possibility that the illness was consistent with Brazilian purpuric fever, which, to our knowledge, has not been reported in the United States. This isolate shared morphological ...
After five to six days, the rash disappears, and the child's skin often begins to peel, especially on the fingertips. If your child has scarlet fever, consult a physician to be tested forstrep throatand treated with antibiotics. Mononucleosis ...
5 Ways to Reduce a Fever NOTE:I am certainly not a doctor (I am a teacher, mother, andplay therapist), so be sure to check with your doctor if your child has a fever; even low-grade fevers can be a sign of something more serious. ...
My 21-month-old has a temperature. What should I do if a fever develops? 21-Month-Old Food Eating is a big part of a 21-month-old's life, but you shouldn't make a big deal about it. In other words, don't fight your kid about food or lecture them if they don’t eat their...
Sleep regression.Babies aren't the only ones who experience sleep regressions! If your toddler's routine has been shaken up, you might notice a drastic shift in their sleep. This could mean waking in the middle of the night in tears or crying out for you. ...