We did this trip with my dear friend and her family, including two, very cool, big kids. A miracle happened. RB was embarrassed to do her nightly poop in her diaper. Halfway through the vacation she pooped in the potty. One time. Captain and I weren’t counting any chickens. Two tim...
OMG! This is exactly what my grandson did today, including saying “Poopy diaper”, when he didn’t even have one! BTW, love, love, LOVE your blog!!! 7 seater cars says: January 11, 2012 at 9:08 pm Having a car is every man’s dream, I wish to have one! Nitrogen Tyre Inf...
“Mommy…it’s long. Like the very hungry poopy calerpitter” (Caterpillar for those who don’t speak toddlerish). “Mommy! I pooped a calerpitter!!!”. So for the rest of the day, she’s been proudly telling people she pooped out a calerpitter. That got me some strange looks at ...
but the girl kept waking several times a night. We even asked Brian, the cloth diaper delivery guy (and an Attachment Parenting dad) for advice, too!
”time to clean the fishtank!!” And proceeds to scrub algae ridden and fish poopy filters and all things fishy in my nice clean for a millisecond sink. 🙁 …sigh Teresa says: April 5, 2012 at 5:43 pm LOL Lacy says: April 5, 2012 at 6:51 pm You could request that he use...
CONSIDER KEEPING YOUR POTTY-TRAINED LITTLE IN A PULL-UP.M has been potty trained since turning 2, but I still always put her in a pull-up (or “special travel diaper”, as we call it) for plane rides. No matter how good your toddler is at going potty, bathroom lines can get long...