Secondly, I'm experiencing issues trying to fix where my infant/toddler Sims have occult eyes. I can't seem to change what colour their eyes are either because the colour picker is simply missing. I've looked into the Sims Tray Importer and saw the default eyes were set to a in-game ...
Once your sims become a toddler, the milestones are only counting how many times you've leveled up, not what the actual skill level is. So if you start at level 1 and get to level 5, you've only leveled up 4 times in the game's eyes. Not 5. I resolved this by cheating...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-4-bug-reports-archive-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11444542"},"subject":"Re: [OPEN] [ROM] [W] Occult Toddler: Eyes and Ears wrong when growing up","readOnly":true,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__...