Indian rupee declines to all-time low, in currency's biggest percentage fall in months currency exchange Indian rupee slips, RBI likely selling dollars to support currency, traders say currency exchange Indian rupee drops to another record low against UAE dirham ...
What can I do to repent in this situation. This happened a few years ago and I have felt this guilt everytime I think of it. Also whebever I pray (i dont pray usually, but I am really wanting to be regular) I feel that my prayer will not be accepted because maybe because there ...
(Minneapolis) - Nov 21 -In Today's Catholic World(TCW), is reporting to its readers that a True Catholic website/page dedicated toDevotion to the Sacred Head of Our Blessed Lord, as the Seat of Divine Wisdomwent online, on November 20, 2005 A.D. The Traditional prayer featured on the...
something tells me it's time to go i'm never looking back who would've thought the heavens would open was such a tremendous prayer coming they're coming coming today the angels are coming coming in waves oh the angels are coming they're coming right away hallelujah they're coming the an...
School-prayer vote tests limits of faith; For the first time in 27 years, the U.S. House votes today on a constitutional amendment to affirm the right to religious expression in schools and other public places.(NEWS)Schmickle, Sharon
Fellow Nigerians, please I have no intention of scaring anyone today but to paint a realistic scenario of what may likely happen soon. Experience has taught me not to dismiss anything as mere rumour these days.Dele Momodu