The Railway Ministry is ready for the Kumbh Mela, with 992 special trains and an allocation of Rs 933 crore for infrastructure upgrades. The event is expected to gather 30-50 crore devotees, and the ministry is doubling railway tracks and increasing special trains by 42 per cent. Investments...
"I got an airport in my region, got many new trains started, got roads built," tweeted Mr Sampla. "If this is the fault, I will tell my coming generations that they must not commit these mistakes," he said in his tweet. Mr Sampla also removed the prefix "Chowkidar" that he had a...
Commuters faced delays of 25 to 30 minutes, leading to overcrowding on trains and at stations during the rush hour. July 30, 2024 10:20 IST Navi Mumbai Murder: 20-year-old woman stabbed to death, remains found near railway station According to authorities, Shinde, who lived with her ...
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