into the viper’s lair the young child puts his hand. They do no hurt, no harm, on all my holy mountain, for the country is filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters swell the sea. That day, the root of Jesse shall stand as a signal to the peoples. ...
A source for Catholic Mass, Daily Mass, Catholic Mass Online complete with Catholic Mass Readings and video online.
Today’s first reading also recalls a widow’s generosity, offering nourishment to the prophet Elijah apparently in the midst of famine, the last food she had kept for herself and her son. That too did not go unnoticed. And our second reading today alludes to the Holy of Holies also, c...
We have three vigil candles that are always burning – two near the large icon of the Holy Great-Martyr Barbara which holds a piece of her relics, and one on the holy altar table. These vigil lights burn from Sunday to Sunday. To have these candles burn 24 hours a day on behalf of ...
The Embanking of the tidal Thames is the historical process by which the lower River Thames, at one time a broad, shallow waterway winding through malarious marshlands, has been transformed by human intervention into a deep, narrow tidal canal flowing between solid artificial walls, and restrain...
The Holy Spirit's descent seems to confirm this, and it is also a foreshadowing of what will happen at the baptisms of all Christians. As John says: Jesus' baptism is not water only, but it also brings the Holy Spirit with it. Sunday, January 19, 2025 Second Sunday after the ...
However, it’s important to point out that Cameron distances himself from the more outré readings of the “Mona Lisa” such as it being a feminized self-portrait or a feminized image of “Salai”, Leonardo’s troublesome pupil, To re-christen “Mona Lisa” as “Mona Caterina” seems ...
Gregory XVII "Siri" Duty of Papal Restoration The Holy Mass Rosary in Latin Catholic Links Vocations ~ In Today's Catholic World ~ Wednesday 11-13-2024 News for The Church in Eclipse"Uncompromising Catholic Militancy""You must fight energetically, since you know very well what great wounds the...
Eventually, they found the exact spot not far from their home in Lower Myanmar where they enshrined the holy relics in a traditional mound or stupa.[6] The original stupa is said to have been 27 feet high. Today the Shwedagon pagoda has grown to over 370 feet. The Buddha's Visits to...
Reading God's Word 2025: Daily and Sunday Mass Readings Church Year C - 2025 - Binder Version $39.95 New Reading God's Word 2025 $18.95 New Totally Lent! 2025 (Intermediate) $7.95 New Totally Lent! 2025 (Primary) $7.95 New Totally Lent! 2025 (Teens) ...