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And now CNN has fired Griffin Lebanon has officially banned ‘Wonder Woman’ over star’s Israeli heritage Olivia Newton-John has a new cancer diagnosis; her June shows are postponed June 1, 2017 7 AM PT Share A Star Is Born: Morgan Freeman turns 80 today By...
NO BOONVILLE QUIZ THIS WEEK Relax. Your gray matter can take it easy. Hope to see you next week on the Third Thursday at Lauren’s at the Buckhorn, May 18th, 7pm. Cheers, Steve Sparks, Quizmaster AVA, good issue yesterday. Who and where are Dorothy Parker's contemporaries today? New...
lying his ass off, nor didThe Washington Post,The New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC. Twitter founder Jack Dorsey and Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg are allowed to suppress the news and deform the public conversation becausethey’re more important than the rest of us, and they know better, ...
It can be easy in these politically polarized times to base our opinions on our party's platform. Take this quiz to see if your friend is able to think for themselves.
Frosty|Ice Crystals|Marbut Approach|Live Music|Boonquiz|Death Dealers|Storm Cloud|Remembering Mike|Whale Festival|Ed Notes|Yellow Roses|Pot Farce|Wolk Caught|AV Village|Malia|Caltrans Plans|Real Sarahs|New OB-GYN|Yesterday's Catch|Rossmoor News|Excluded|Covidia|Manzanita|Food Stamps|Image Intrigue|...
Coastal Stratus|Burroughs Bracelets|Covid Advice|Mendo Mill|AVUSD News|Berry Quiz|FERC Suit|Escola Sailboat|Pelosi Pleads|King Larry|BS Detector|Jim Porter|Brother Clayton|Boonville Hills|Pots Desired|Director Wanted|Cabin Sought|Hollyhock Fence|Watershed Cleanups|Lauren Dennen|Ed Notes|Org Chart|Walmar...
These were decorated with engravings of the monetary prizes, the royal coat of arms and a pair of American men, Eiakintomino and Matahan, who the previous year had been displayed in St James’s Park, where their portraits were painted. The broadside also included verse, a ventriloquized ...
WEEKLY NEWS QUIZ 1) Featured on CNN 10 this week, what insects were responsible for spreading a rare and sometimes deadly virus in the Northeast US this summer? 2) The Boeing Starliner capsule finally came home to Earth after nearly three months at the International Space Station. How long w...
Weekly News Quiz 1) What social media app is now one step closer to being banned in the US, following an appeals court decision upholding the law requiring it to be sold or blocked in the US? 2) The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris officially reopened this week, after how many years since...