Time for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset in Angul – Odisha – India. Dawn and dusk (twilight) times and Sun and Moon position. Takes into account Daylight Saving Time (DST).
Time for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset in Qadian – Punjab – India. Dawn and dusk (twilight) times and Sun and Moon position. Takes into account Daylight Saving Time (DST).
Second day of the week, Monday is ruled by Moon and is good for purchasing of agricultural equipment, agricultural activities, tourism, wearing new clothes or gemstones, buying and selling of jewellery. Tuesday – Mangalwar Third day of the week, Tuesday is ruled by Mars and is considered ina...
Today's Sunrise & Sunset in Delhi Today's Moonrise & Moonset in Delhi Today's Rahukaal's in DelhiIn this page, you can find yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's Sunrise and Sunset timings for your city. At several places and cities, Lord Sun is worshipped by carrying out aarti and...
Panchang also provides information on the direction, sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset. It is also possible to determine the Tithi, Nakshatra, Karana, Paksha,Rahu Kaal, and so on for any given day. Furthermore, today Panchang can help identify planetary transit, retrograde, Lagna, Das...
'Yoga' also known as 'NithyaYoga' refers to the angular relationship between Sun and Moon. 'Karana' refers to the half of a 'Tithi', denoting the angular difference between Sun and Moon. 'Vaar' refers to day of the week.Today is 22-February-2025 Selected Place is New Delhi Place Get...
Islamic date May 2025 - People often utilize the online Hijri calendar to find today Islamic date. This page is just perfect for reading the exact Islamic date today. It is noted that the Hijri date varies in different countries. For example, the moon date in Pakistan is often one day beh...
Sunset and sunrise times in Bolpur city-infosun-altitude Moon phase in Bolpur Lunar day in Bolpur Exact local time in Bolpur Weather in Bolpur Location of Bolpur Earthquakes in Bolpur Magnetic storms in Bolpur Islamic holidays Northern Lights in Bolpur Solar eclipses in Bolpur ...
The Diwali festival is celebrated on the 13th day of the Hindu month Kartika, which is between October and November in the Gregorian calendar, to celebrate the victory of good over evil. Poland The Floating Lanterns Festival is a magical tradition held on the night of the first full moon aft...
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea on Sunday reported 34 additional cases of the coronavirus amid a spate of infections linked to clubgoers, as President Moon Jae-in urged calm saying “there’s no reason to stand still out of fear."