So, if a man thinks he’s a woman, but society doesn’t agree that he is a woman, does it mean that society is persecuting him? And, furthermore, if society is forced by law to agree with him or face charges, then that’s a violation of the basic human right of freedom of tho...
“Now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2). It turns out that encountering God in the present is the only time to do it. Sunday, March 29, 2026 Liturgy of the Palms—Lent, Year A Psalm 118 Matthew 21:1-11 Summary The Passion reading at Palm Sunday begins the strong ...
of someone we are praying for is quite a special blessing. We continue to accept donations to have these three vigil candles burn each week either for the health/salvation of the living and/or in memory of a departed loved one. A $15 donation will keep all three candles lit for one ...
Filled my pockets full of sunshine I’ve seen so much of the good stuff But there ain’t nothin’ sweeter than His love I graduated from the school of hard knocks But there’s some lessons that I haven’t quite learned One thing I know is You’ve been so kind to me ...
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1.(Islam) the religion of Muslims, having the Koran as its sacred scripture and teaching that there is only one God and that Mohammed is his prophet; Mohammedanism 2.(Islam) a.Muslims collectively and their civilization b.the countries where the Muslim religion is predominant ...
Faith Torn Down to the Studs Jen Pollock Michel A deconstruction survivor seeks ways to repair faltering houses of belief. Satisfaction Comes for Doubters Timothy Dalrymple A note from CT’s president in our March/April issue. Review What Must We Do to Agree on Salvation?
Discover who God says you are—and who Christ makes you to be—from the pages of Scripture. Do you know who God says you are? God has a purpose for your life in this moment. You have a part to play in what he is doing in the world. But knowing why you are here starts with kn...
"And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it, and then, finally, the end will come" (Matthew 24:14). I applaud every effort to warn Christians and nonbelievers to be ready for our Lord's return, as Scripture ...
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