Feb 28, 1916Henry James, the American-British author, died at 72. “I don't want everyone to like me; I should think less of myself if some people did.” - Henry James today in history89 作家223 Feb 281 today in history · 目录 上一篇Today ...
Beatles Radio Tune-In Beatles Abbey Rd WebCam Beatles Radio Just Played Beatles Radio FB Feed Beatles Radio Liners Beatles Radio Sponsors Beatles Radio Songlist Beatles Record Sales Beatles Tribute Bands Beatles Radio Poll Results Beatles Radio by the Album Beatles Radio Calendar Beatl...
Maureen said that the insert on ERA in the March New Era and Ensign was done over a weekend on a hurried-up basis by staff members of the Ensign. Brother [M. Russell] Ballard told them to do it. Presumably he had instructions from Elder [Gordon B.] Hinckley. Lavina Fielding Anderson ...
Today in History for Aug. 26
“If you always try to subjugate people by coercion, because you are strong, then sooner or later you will run into somebody who is just as strong, if not stronger. Then you'll be in trouble.” - Max Nowaz, novelist.收录于合集 #Today in history 26...
Today In Mormon History-fb Lowell L. Bennion hosts several African-American Mormons at his home in Salt Lake City, including LDS converts Ruffin Bridgeforth Jr. and his Hispanic wife Helen Marie Romero Bridgeforth. She speaks "of the difficulty they have getting their boys to go to church ...
Many mainstream media managers applauded themselves in early 1999 for not running with a story that Pres. Clinton fathered the teenaged son of a black former prostitute in Arkansas, despite the story being "out there" on the Internet, in... LINN WASHINGTON JR. - 《Usa Today Magazine》 被...
In American history today’s grandparents used to grow up in a period of angry rebelling against their parents’ authority. As time goes by and they ease into the role of ___51___ family members they may wonder: What happened to the generation gap? Is it gone or just in the ___52...
🌅 #Today in History#1936.09.07袋狼灭绝袋狼(Thylacinus cynocephalus),现已全部灭绝,因其身上斑纹似虎,又名塔斯马尼亚虎,曾广泛分布于新几内亚热带雨林、澳大利亚草原等地,后因人类活动只分布于塔斯马尼亚岛。袋狼是近代体型最大的食肉有袋类动物,和其他有袋动物一样,母体有育儿袋,产下不成熟的幼兽,在育儿袋...
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