CT advice columnists also weigh in on outreach to a family leaving a church and a lost sense of ministry calling. Review Faith Torn Down to the Studs Jen Pollock Michel A deconstruction survivor seeks ways to repair faltering houses of belief. ...
Hindering their population is their low reproductive rate. It takes about five years before manatees are sexually mature. Gestation is 11 months and single births occur two to five years apart. Calves stick close to their moms for the first two years of life as they learn the ways of the w...
More people need to be made aware of National Parker Day. Use the hashtag #nationalparkerday on all your social media accounts. 5 Famous People Named Parker Parker Posey Born on November 8, 1968, Posey is an American musician and actress famous for starring in several mockumentaries written...
JANUARY 9 – BIRTHS – Scientists born on January 9th Sir Alec Jefferys (source) Born 9 Jan 1950. English geneticist who discovered the technique of DNA fingerprinting, used for unique identification of humans, animals and other organisms from their DNA material on10 Sep 1984. This came about...
History of National Menudo Month Menudo is a famous traditional Mexican soup, commonly served as a main dish and eaten for breakfast. The dish is made with tripe (cow’s stomach) cooked in a broth with a chili pepper base. It’s seasoned with hominy, oregano, cilantro, onions, and lime...
JUNE 11 – BIRTHS – Scientists born on June 11th David Bryant Mumford (source) Born 11 Jun 1937.quotes American mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal in 1974 for his work in algebraic geometry. In the 1980s he turned to applied mathematics with the question "Is there a mathematical...
MAY 1 – BIRTHS – Scientists born on May 1st Scott Carpenter (source) Born 1 May 1925; died10 Oct2013at age 88. Malcolm Scott Carpenter was an American astronaut whose spaceflight was the second U.S. mission to orbit the Earth. His Mercury-Atlas 7 launched on 24 May 1962 from Cape ...
Or,rubbingof the mother’s flanks with rose oil. If a noblewoman came across adifficult birth, a holy girdle would be placed around her to ease any pains. In general, though, the birth would be a huge ordeal, and many noble births were met with celebrations, lit candles, and decoration...
ATTORNEY HANNAH NELSON has tried, and tried mightily to bring some clarity to the licensing mess. “Historically, and even recent history, demonstrates that the local cannabis department is not equipped to process the number of applications that would need to be processed,” Nelson said. “I hav...
And the couples who have used a surrogate to carry their baby/ies are so blissful at the healthy births that they focus on the bliss of parenthood rather than dwelling on the anxiety of finding and working with a surrogate. Few of those moms need to count their pennies the way most of ...