Today in history: On Sept. 29, 1954, Willie Mays of the New York Giants made a running, over-the-shoulder catch of a ball hit by Vic Wirtz of the Cleveland Indians in Game 1 of the 1954 World Series; “The Catch” would become one of the most famous plays in baseball history. Als...
1954- 1st local color TV coml WNBT-TV (WNBC-TV) NYC (Castro Decorators) 1954- Edward R Murrow criticizes Sen Joseph McCarthy (See it Now) 1954- WMUR TV channel 9 in Manchester, NH (ABC) begins broadcasting 1956- Archbishop Makarios of Cyprus arrested & exiled to Seychelles ...
In 1949, the Berlin Airlift came to an end after delivering more than 2.3 million tons of cargo to blockaded residents of West Berlin over the prior 15 months. In 1954, the first nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Nautilus, was commissioned by the US Navy. ...
And 1954. My eyes are filled with bitter tears. Lord, I ain't been home in years Got the Highway 40blues2. Ricky Skaggs, the country and bluegrass music artist is born in Cordell, Kentucky. Today in History, July 18th. Ross Simpson, t...
🌅 #Today in History#1910.03.23日本电影大师黑泽明(黒沢 明, 1910.03.23 - 1998.09.06)出生黑泽明1910年3月23日生于东京都品川区大井町,父亲黑泽勇曾为职业军官。黑泽明在家中排行第七。1928年初中毕业时,兴趣是绘画与文学,特别是以无产阶级探讨见长的俄国文学;二哥丙午于默片时代电影院担任讲评人职务,使他...
(1929); Hunter S. Thompson (1937); Ian Stewart, Rolling Stones (1938); Dion DiMucci, Dion and the Belmonts (1939); Brian Auger, English keyboard player, Brian Auger and the Trinity, CAB, The Steampacket (1939) Martha Reeves (1941); Ricky Skaggs (1954); Terry Chambers, drums, XTC ...
🌅 #Today in History# 1918.04.14 著名红学家——周汝昌(1918.04.14 - 2012.05.31)出生 1918年4月14日,周汝昌生于天津城外25公里的咸水沽镇。 其祖父是天津八大家东门外天成号韩家账房先生,后自立门户,故家...
A daily horoscope was at one time in our history only available to very important people. In Western Astrology everyone is designated one of the twelve zodiac signs depending on when they are born. Most of us know which Sun sign we are and are aware of the places we can find horoscopes ...
【Today in History for Mar 13】Uncle Sam cartoon debuts; Brigadoon opens on Broadway; Deadly rampage at Scottish elementary school.历史上的今天http://forum.putclub.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=166 【历史上的3月13日】1852年,“山姆大叔”首次在纽约灯笼节以卡通人物亮相。1996年,一枪手袭击了苏格兰当柏连...