【Today In History】八路军副参谋长左权牺牲 在74年前的今天,1942年5月25日 (农历四月十一),八路军副参谋长左权牺牲。 八路军副参谋长左权 1942年5月25日(距今74年),八路军副参谋长左权在山西辽县十字岭指挥八路军总部、北方局机关的后勤人员突围时,被...
🌅 #Today in History# 1942.07.04 中华民国空军美籍志愿大队——飞虎队解散 中华民国空军美籍志愿大队(American Volunteer Group,缩写AVG),绰号「飞虎队」(Flying Tigers),是第二次世界大战期间在中华民国...
Today in World War II History—December 8, 1942 Thursday, December 8, 2022 by Sarah Sundin US poster, WWII 80 Years Ago—Dec. 8, 1942:Gen. Hans-Jürgin von Arnim replaces Gen. Walther Nehring over German forces in Tunisia. Germans disarm French in Tunisia and seize ships. ...
Today in Music History in 1942, the First Gold Disc. [Derived Headline]Today in Music HistoryIn 1942, the first gold disc ever awarded to an artist was presented to the...Oswald, Brad
#惊人惊事#——today in history1170年1月22日:全真教始祖王重阳逝世。1561年1月22日:英国文艺复兴时期著名散文家、哲学家弗朗西斯·培根出生,他是实验科学的创始人,提出了“知识就是力量”。1788年1月22日:英国大诗人拜伦出生,代表作《唐璜》《普罗米修斯》等。1942年1月22日:“民国四大才女”之一、近现代著名...
21 Jan 1942 Interactive Map +− Leaflet|©OpenStreetMap 21 Jan 1943 Japanese hospital ship Hikawa Maru arrived at Rabaul and departed later on the same day.ww2dbase[Hikawa Maru|CPC] Soviet troops captured Voroshilovsky and Stavropol in the Caucasus region of southern Russia, claiming 500,000...
Feb 1, 1942 The Voice of America (VOA)began broadcasting in the areas controlled by the Axis powers to combat Nazi propaganda with open and free news and information. Reference www.voanews.com www.insidevoa.com/a/3794247.html历史上的今天848 佛老1000 Today in...
August 11th in Feminist History August 11, 2016 / Leave a comment On this day in 1942, Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil received a patent for a frequency-hopping spread spectrum communication system. The technique they patented lead to the basic technology used in wireless telephones and much ...
Today in World War II History—July 25, 1943 Benito Mussolini inspecting German troops, Sicily, Italy, 25 Jun 1942 (German Federal Archive: Bild 146-2006-0101) 80 Years Ago—July 25, 1943:In Italy, King Victor Emmanuel has Mussolini imprisoned and appoints Pietro Badoglio as prime minister....
[--3--] importance of the island was evidenced by six months of naval battles in its surrounding seas. On August 7, 1942, 10,000 Marines landed on Guadalcanal and took over the air base. But the Japanese quickly [--4--] the island and fought a [--5--] jungle battle that left ...