#Today in history 99 个 #历史 70 个 #战争 5 个 Feb 15, 198 9 The Soviet Union finished withdrawing all its military troops from Afghanistan. The withdrawal lasted for 9 months (from May 15, 1988.) Referencehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet%E...
1、您的孩子如果对本周食谱有过敏史,请向班级老师或者保健医生说明。食品安全永远是我们的第一任务! If your child has a history of allergies to this week's recipes, please explain to the class teacher or health care doctor. Food safety is always our first task...
We take you on a journey to Europe in the Middle Ages! The Romanesque period influenced the buildings of the Middle Ages from around 900 to 1240. In France and Italy, these numbers differ only slightly. Many well-known landmarks of European cities date from this time. The architectural ...
KCCR Capital City Radio - 1240 AM and 98.9 FM is Pierre's Full Service 1,000 watt Radio Station. KCCR has the most in-depth local news coverage in central South Dakota with News, Sports, and Weather. Listen to us live on your device!What...
warfare ensued as the crusaders, led by Simon de Monfort, sought to drive the Cathars out, but ultimately their roots in southern French society meant they could endure and it was only the more pervasive techniques of the Inquisition, initiated in the 1240s, that succeeded where force had ...
And history lovers help archeologists(考古学家) search for ancient objects to help deepen our knowledge of the past. Volunteers work in many areas around the world, including Haiti. More than two years have passed since a 7.0 earthquake shook the nation. The exact number of people who died ...
KCCR Capital City Radio - 1240 AM and 98.9 FM is Pierre's Full Service 1,000 watt Radio Station. KCCR has the most in-depth local news coverage in central South Dakota with News, Sports, and Weather. Listen to us live on your device!
Mindaugas was the first Grand Duke of Lithuania and the only crowned king of Lithuania. Modern sources mention strategic marriages in conjunction with the expulsion or murder of his rivals when discussing his ascent. During the 1230s and 1240s, he extended his domain to regions southeast of Lith...
: Edward (b.1239), Margaret (b.1240), Beatrice (b.1242), Edmund (b.1245) and Katherine (b.1253). The names Henry and Eleanor chose for their sons, Edward and Edmund, were extremely unusual at the time; neither had been used in the royal family since the Norman Conquest in 1066....
KCCR Capital City Radio - 1240 AM and 98.9 FM is Pierre's Full Service 1,000 watt Radio Station. KCCR has the most in-depth local news coverage in central South Dakota with News, Sports, and Weather. Listen to us live on your device!